The State of Cybersecurity | 2023 Trends

The State of Cybersecurity

2023 Trends

Organizations turning security concerns into action

According to global leaders, last year’s top concerns are still top of mind — but forward progress is being made. The skill shortage is still present, but there’s now clarity around what it will take to fill it. While cloud security continues to be a major source of concern, organizations are actively looking for ways to improve. And while the number of breaches pace steadily upwards, proactive, comprehensive security appears to provide solutions.

Worry has now become action as organizations evaluate their weaknesses, increase budget plans, and proactively work against rising cyber threats.

The 2023 State of Cybersecurity Findings: Decision Makers Weigh In

In late 2022, Arctic Wolf conducted a worldwide survey of 700+ global IT security decision makers to understand their priorities and anticipated challenges for the year ahead. Our goal was to understand their security roadmaps for 2023, and to get a first-hand perspective on their current security objectives, potential obstacles, and what’s changed since last year.

Our Cybersecurity Survey Respondents
Our 2023 survey respondents included Owners, Directors & Vice Presidents, and C-Level Executives from 7 different regions.



Director or Vice President


C-Level Executive


What We Learned

Organizations are Acting on Cloud Security Concerns

In 2021, cloud adoption continued to rapidly outpace cloud security increasing an already major security gap. In the 12 months since, organizations have started to address these growing gaps, realizing that their current cloud security measures not enough. They need to learn more about the topic and how to implement stronger solutions to meet their business and security needs.
42% of respondents stated that cloud security gaps were their primary area of worry

42% of respondents

stated that cloud security gaps were their primary area of worry
38% of respondents believe they are effectively securing their cloud resources

38% of respondents

believe they are effectively securing their cloud resources
46% of respondents would like to learn more about cloud security and evolving infrastructures

46% of respondents

would like to learn more about cloud security and evolving infrastructures

"Organizations recognizing that security risks can exist within this area of their architecture is an important step in the right direction to further improve the security posture for many companies."

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State of Cybersecurity: 2023 Trends

Security Skills

The Security Skills Gap Gains Clarity
It’s been known for a few years now that the security skills gap is leaving businesses unsecure and straining understaffed IT and security teams. This gap is a major threat to organizations’ security objectives, and now we know exactly how many individuals are needed to stop the gap from growing.
68% of organizations identified staffing related issues as their number one threat to achieving their objectives.
The survey found that 68% of organizations identified staffing related issues as their number one threat to achieving their objectives.

This is broken down into:

32% of organizations are having difficulty with hiring and retaining staff

36% of organizations feel their current staff lacks the necessary expertise needed for their goals

0 +

56% of Organizations

Reported a need of 5+ full-time staff members

48% of Organizations

Reported a need of 10+ full-time staff members

0 +

"Organizations that feel that they are in a place of being fully successfully staffed within their cybersecurity teams are easily in the minority."

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State of Cybersecurity: 2023 Trends

Growing Budgets

Cybersecurity Budgets Are Growing to Meet Major Threats

Despite macroeconomic headwinds and global economic uncertainty, organizations are adding bucks to their budgets in order to stay secure. While it may be costly to invest in staff, solutions, and more, the proactive approach is more affordable than dealing with the fallout of a breach or making a large ransomware payment.
Total percentage of organizations that are planning to increase their budget: 57%
Total percentage of organizations that are planning to increase their budget: 57%
15% acknowledge that they are expecting a dramatic increase in this area, at a rate of over 50% in comparison to the previous year

Data Breaches

Half of all organizations have suffered a breach

Organizations today have a 50/50 chance of experiencing a breach within a calendar year — the same odds as a coin flip. While ransomware attacks dropped this year, the headline-grabbing attack vector, along with social engineering techniques, remains a top threat to organizations. In addition, we found that the majority of organizations who suffered a breach chose not to disclose it — keeping their clients, customers, and the community in the dark.
50% of organizations we spoke with admitted to suffering a breach within the last year

50% of organizations we spoke with admitted to suffering a breach within the last year.

Percentage of Organizations That See Attack Vectors as a Top Concern

(By Types of Attacks)



Phishing/Spear Phishing


Business Email Compromise


"We have yet to enter into a phase of cyber defence where breaches can be openly disclosed and discussed without some level of concern."

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State of Cybersecurity: 2023 Trends

Arctic Wolf Security Awareness Icon

Stopping Social Engineers

Security Awareness Training on Organization’s “To-Do” List

It makes sense that since businesses are worried about social engineering, they’re looking to security awareness training to thwart the threats. Social awareness training makes sure employees understand how they can be targeted and how they can act as a line of defence against breach attempts like phishing.
40% of our respondents stated that they are actively planning to implement a security awareness program within their organization within the coming year
40% of our respondents stated that they are actively planning to implement a security awareness program within their organization within the coming year
24% of respondents list “building a culture of security awareness” as an urgent concern driving their cybersecurity strategy
24% of respondents list “building a culture of security awareness” as an urgent concern driving their cybersecurity strategy


An In-Depth Exploration: 2023 Cyber Security Trends

Review the concerns, objectives, and obstacles that are top of mind for industry leaders.


2023 Trends: Ransomware, Cloud Security Changes, and More

The State of Cybersecurity: 2023 Trends report pulls data and insights from over 700 IT professionals across the globe to understand where organizations are heading when it comes to cybersecurity. These concerns, obstacles, and objectives highlight that while old problems still persist, organizations are making moves to increase their security posture and tackle future threats.

Survey says… cybersecurity continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

In a time of new sophisticated technologies, emerging threats, and a growing attack landscape, it’s never been more important to ensure your organization’s security.

Arctic Wolf is a market leader in security operations. We can help close the gaps in your cybersecurity defences, manage your risks, and provide customized compliance reporting. Ready to learn more?