The True Cost of Alert Fatigue Calculator

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Alert fatigue isn’t just an overwhelming annoyance, it can be a major risk and undermine an organization’s security posture. 

In 2021, staffing and maintaining an effective security team can be quite a challenge. There’s an unprecedented shortage of available talent combined with an incredibly high turnover rate. In fact, only 39% of organizations feel they can retain cybersecurity talent after hiring them. 

For this reason, we’ve seen organizations tend to over-rely on security tools. The growing problem of alert fatigue from all these tools then leads to wasted budgets, missed incidents, and constant noise that can create a false sense of security—and leave your organization unprotected from legitimate threats.  

Determining the Extent of Alert Fatigue at Your Organization 

Organizations not only need help analyzing billions of data points to identify patterns of suspicious activity, they also need to distill the overwhelming number of alerts into meaningful insights. It’s essential that IT security teams effectively manage and prioritize alerts so they can react accordingly. Missing even just a single legitimate threat can be devastating for day-to-day operations.  

It’s important to know that alert fatigue doesn’t happen in isolation. Every decision and component of your cybersecurity strategy impacts the degree to which your team may suffer from alert fatigue. There’s little room for error: The average security analyst spends a majority of their time each shift triaging alerts a SIEM drove to their monitoring screen.  

“Many security teams have overinvested in a plethora of tools. As a result, they are also suffering from alert fatigue and multiple console complexity and facing the challenges in recruiting and retaining security operations analysts with the right set of skills and expertise to effectively use all those tools”  
– Gartner 

Dealing with tool overload, staff burnout, skills shortages, and relentless alerts aren’t sustainable for an organization—a change is desperately needed.

For an organization to develop an effective security posture, it must have 24×7 monitoring of its network, endpoints, and cloud environments to detect, respond, and recover from cyberattacks. This comprehensive visibility combined with security operations capabilities offer the most effective way to reduce alert fatigue and false positives and promote a faster response tailored to the specific needs of your environment.  

Closeup of the numbers on a calculator.

Our Alert Fatigue Calculator Helps You Save Time and Money 

Spending unnecessary time and resources on noisy tools and alert triage may be costing you far more than you realize. Find out just how much with The True Cost of Alert Fatigue calculator.  

The calculator factors in the size of your cybersecurity team, how you currently manage alerts, the number and types of security tools you monitor, and several other metrics to give you a better understanding of how much money you could save annually by reducing your alert fatigue with a security operations provider like Arctic Wolf.  

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Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf provides your team with 24x7 coverage, security operations expertise, and strategically tailored security recommendations to continuously improve your overall posture.
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