Arctic Wolf Simplifies and Automates SOC-as-a-Service for MSPs with Connectwise Integration

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Integration Accelerates Cybersecurity Threat Detection and Response Capabilities

SUNNYVALE, CA — November 6, 2017—Arctic Wolf Networks, a leading security operations center (SOC)-as-a-service company, today announced the integration of its award-winning AWN CyberSOC to ConnectWise.  AWN CyberSOC provides a turnkey SOC service designed specifically for MSPs.  As cybercriminals have become more sophisticated, SOCs have become an essential part of modern cybersecurity, the service allows MSPs to expand their revenue stream to take advantage of this dynamic and rapidly growing market.

The AWN CyberSOC-ConnectWise integration automates the notification and assignment of ticketed security incidents to ConnectWise Manage.  The integration enables MSPs to leverage the agent assignment and routing rules they have already created in the system and improves the notification and remediation process for security incidents.  The result is the elimination of manual, error prone processes for ticketing and processing, leading to greater operational scalability and increased profitability.

“AWN CyberSOC helps MSPs differentiate themselves by offering a security service that deploys in minutes, requires no hardware or software purchase and is priced in a simple, easy to understand way,” said Brian NeSmith, co-founder and CEO at Arctic Wolf.  “MSPs offer a complex mix of services, and they have a critical need to centralize their customer management and automate internal workflows to scale their business.  Our integration with ConnectWise helps MSPs scale their business and increase profitability.”

Arctic Wolf at ConnectWise ITNation, Orlando, Florida, November 8-10

  • The Arctic Wolf-ConnectWise integration will be on display at ConnectWise ITNation in Orlando, Floria from November 8-10.
  • Stop by the networking center just outside the solutions pavilion to view a live demo and learn more.

To become an Arctic Wolf partner, visit the Arctic Wolf partner page.

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About Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf Networks provides SOC-as-a-service with Hybrid AI. AWN CyberSOC is anchored by Concierge Security Engineers and includes 24×7 monitoring, custom alerting and incident investigation and response.  There is no hardware or software to purchase, and the end-to-end service includes a proprietary cloud-based SIEM, threat intelligence subscriptions and all the expertise and tools required. For more information about Arctic Wolf Cyber-SOC visit

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Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf provides your team with 24x7 coverage, security operations expertise, and strategically tailored security recommendations to continuously improve your overall posture.
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