How Proactive Investments in Security Operations Improve Breach Readiness and Response Capabilities

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Security teams need to continually bolster their cybersecurity controls and expertise to keep up with the evolving threat landscape. 

Successful readiness and response to a cybersecurity breach requires the right mix of people, processes and technology. Yet challenges with staffing, technical issues, and budget hamper threat detection and response for too many organizations, creating gaps that threat actors are eager to exploit. 

At the same time, the rise of remote and hybrid work, coupled with the move to the cloud, means organizations are having an even harder time keeping up with cybercriminals who seem to always be a step or more ahead. 

Cybersecurity incidents can cause catastrophic damage to organizations, widening the gaps already present and making things even harder on taxed IT teams and stretched-thin budgets. To mitigate their impact, organizations need a proactive approach to their cybersecurity strategies, enabling better threat detection, and improving mitigation and response time with security partners who can step in to fill staffing and knowledge gaps. 

In Mind The Gaps, a custom Forrester Opportunity Snapshot commissioned by Arctic Wolf, you’ll learn why security leaders are increasingly turning to proactive prevention via partnerships with external security partners. 

But that’s not all. You’ll learn:  

  • The eight main ways organizations are investing in cybersecurity 
  • The seven factors inhibiting organizations from improving their cybersecurity capabilities 
  • How external security partners are helping organizations mind their gaps and gain access to hard-to-find skill sets 

Download Mind The Gaps: Proactive Investments in Security Operations Improve Breach Readiness and Response Capabilities.

And dive into our Optimizing Security Operations video series to watch industry experts highlight how organizations can better detect and respond to cyber threats by taking new approaches to security operations.

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Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf provides your team with 24x7 coverage, security operations expertise, and strategically tailored security recommendations to continuously improve your overall posture.
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