Reflections on AWS re:Inforce 2022

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The Arctic Wolf team is having a great time in Boston at AWS re:Inforce 2022. What a wonderful show! It has been thrilling to connect with industry leaders and AWS experts from across the world–and it was equally thrilling for us to announce that Arctic Wolf has achieved the newly introduced Level 1 MSSP specialization in Digital Forensics Incident Response (DFIR).

This may be our first time at AWS re:Inforce, but it already feels like home thanks to our strong partnership with AWS. The Arctic Wolf Security Operations Cloud is powered by AWS, which makes it ideally designed to protect and monitor our customers’ AWS environments at scale. Arctic Wolf provides managed threat detection and response, risk management, cloud monitoring, and security awareness training solutions, which are uniquely delivered through our Concierge Delivery Model. Our innovative approach is addressing the cybersecurity effectiveness problem head-on, setting a new standard for customers looking to end cyber risk.

AWS Makes it Easier to Find Trusted Security Partners

Arctic Wolf was among the first companies to achieve the AWS Level 1 Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) competency, a distinction that applies to cybersecurity businesses that have met or exceeded ten managed security service (MSS) specializations that protect and monitor essential AWS resources, are delivered as a 24×7 fully managed service, and span vulnerability management, cloud security best practices and compliance, threat detection and response, network security, host and endpoint security, and application security.

AWS security experts annually validate the tools used and operational processes of each MSSP, addressing specific cloud security challenges such as continuous event monitoring, triaging, AWS service configuration best practices, and 24×7 incident response. The AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency provides a faster and easier experience for customers to select the right security provider to help them achieve their goals for business risk and cloud strategy confidence.

For 2022, AWS introduced specialization categories that extend beyond the Level 1 baseline to provide organizations with access to AWS-validated offerings that provide a unique depth of expertise in individual cybersecurity domains. By receiving the DFIR specialization from AWS, Arctic Wolf has shown how the Arctic Wolf Security Operations Cloud and Tetra Defense, Arctic Wolf’s incident response business unit. collect the essential telemetry, artifacts, and data from an AWS deployment that is needed by incident responders in a timely and comprehensive way.

For organizations who experience a cloud security incident, Arctic Wolf’s DFIR distinction in the AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency means they can have confidence that our team is a trusted AWS partner that has the technology and expertise needed to limit the impact of an incident, provide business resilience, and ultimately help them towards their goal of ending cyber risk.

In a quickly evolving threat landscape, organizations need help augmenting their under-resourced security teams to enable cloud-powered innovation while mitigating business risk. They also need to combat alert fatigue, which is the outcome of too many tools adding noise to the system. The AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency and accompanying specializations makes it easy for customers to choose expert security partners that can improve cloud security posture by providing 24×7 security monitoring and management–and the Arctic Wolf team is dedicated to helping companies achieve their business transformation goals by leveraging the agility, breadth of services, and pace of innovation that AWS provides.

Arctic Wolf’s approach to security operations not only helps organizations reduce alert fatigue while hardening security defenses, but it also helps solve the cybersecurity talent gap. With AWS, Arctic Wolf delivers world-class security operations that scales seamlessly while surfacing only validated incidents, as well as providing response recommendations to our customers.

Beyond MSSP & MDR: Comprehensive Security Operations for Better Threat Detection and Response

The Security Operations technology market is getting more crowded and complex by the day. Unlike most solutions that focus only on one aspect of security, Arctic Wolf provides protection across endpoints, networks, and cloud environments—at an almost infinite scale. Our solution centralizes all telemetry in its cloud-native security analytics platform for storage, enrichment, correlation, analysis, and investigation–ingesting more than two trillion events per week.

Perhaps most importantly, we combine the tactical execution enabled by the platform with the industry’s original concierge delivery model, which includes named security experts working alongside our customers to offer a personalized journey that effectively hardens and fortifies their security posture.

This holistic and flexible approach is amplified by our close collaboration with AWS’ security experts and the integration of native AWS security services, and AWS partner tools is just one reason that Arctic Wolf has risen to the top of the field as the go-to company to end cyber risk.

Let’s Talk

If your organization is ready to learn more about how the Arctic Wolf Platform® and Concierge Security® team can rapidly enhance your organization’s security posture, request a demo or read our Arctic Wolf Guide to the AWS Shared Responsibility Model on how to extend security into your AWS cloud environment.

Picture of Odin Olson

Odin Olson

Odin Olson leads alliance strategy and execution at Arctic Wolf, which includes integration ecosystems, strategic, and industry alliances. Prior to Arctic Wolf, Odin was responsible for Business Development of ServiceNow’s Security and Risk Products, and later the IT Operations and Platform technology ecosystems. Odin has also held information security alliances and leadership positions with Tanium and Damballa after years engaging with customers as a Systems Engineer. Odin holds a bachelor’s degree in information technology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
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