Security Awareness Training Designed for MSPs

Security Awareness Training Designed for MSPs 

Transform Your Security Awareness Training

Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness® empowers your customers to recognize and neutralize social engineering attacks and human error while eliminating administrative work for your team.

Engage. Measure. Transform.

Fully Managed and Friction-Free

We create, schedule, and deliver all security awareness lessons, quizzes, and phishing simulations — eliminating the need to build campaigns. We offer quick and convenient access to awareness lessons via email, with no account credentials required and all tracking performed behind the scenes — making end user participation easy.

Phishing Simulations That Teach

Arctic Wolf sends monthly phishing simulations that are tied directly to specific, just-in-time training. If an end user clicks on a simulation, they are taken directly to specific training. They are taught the red flags they missed and what to watch out for every time they receive an email to determine if it can be trusted.

Respond to Malicious Emails Even Faster

With the Arctic Wolf Report Phishing Button, end users can remove and report suspicious emails in one action. Reported email details are displayed in the admin dashboard enabling you to protect your customers from reported malicious emails even faster.

Watch Lessons

Always Fresh, Never Repeated

Studies show people forget 80% of what they learn within one month, unless they are reminded multiple times. Arctic Wolf regularly engages your end users with short awareness lessons — all lasting around three minutes each.

Our in-house developed content includes current events and cyber threats to make lessons more relatable, memorable, and meaningful. Our content is designed to get better engagement from end users to always keep awareness top of mind.

Equip End Users To Be Inbox Defenders

At the end of each Managed Security Awareness microlearning session, end users are reminded to always remain cautious and secure. 

The Arctic Wolf Report Phishing Button is your key to closing the learning loop of recognizing and reporting suspicious emails.  

With Managed Security Awareness Plus, reported emails are automatically analyzed and assigned a threat level by the Arctic Wolf Phishtel Engine, equipping you to take action against malicious emails even faster. 

The Arctic Wolf Awareness Advantage
Admin Advantage: Fully Managed 
  • No need to build another campaignYour admins have more important things to do than reviewing, choosing, and scheduling content.
  • Always Fresh, Always relevantQuit wasting time in huge awareness libraries filled with outdated and irrelevant content.    
  • Consistent CadenceYour customers’ programs run uninterrupted, no matter what else is happening in your organization. 
End User Advantage: A Positive Approach to Awareness 
  • No Shame in our GameEnd users aren’t the weakest link — but their awareness training might be. All they need to thrive as the first line of defense is effective training. 
  • Teaching Instead of Tricking End UsersPhishing simulations that put end users in a ‘time-out’ training that has nothing to do with the phishing simulation they just clicked on won’t help them learn.  
  • Microlearning, Microlearning, And Even More MicrolearningDon’t waste end users’ time with long drawn out and infrequent training they can’t wait to forget about! 

Product Comparison

Managed Security Awareness





Partner Resources

Drive Awareness and Fuel Demand

Equip your sales and marketing teams with co-branded visuals, content packs, white papers, and more to use in customer conversations and your marketing campaigns.

Discover A More Effective Security Awareness Training

Explore a partnership with Arctic Wolf