Women’s History Month Pack Spotlight: Madi Lubeley

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Arctic Wolf is proud to honor this year’s theme of Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories with a series of activities throughout the month of March. Arctic Wolf’s Women Transforming Tech Pack Unity Alliance has planned diverse panel discussions, networking events, and Pack Spotlights to amplify the vital role that women play in advancing cybersecurity and making a more equitable and inclusive workplace for all members of the Pack.  

Today we’re spotlighting Senior Channel Marketing Specialist Madi Lubeley. 

What is your role in the Pack? Tell us about your favorite part of day-to-day life at Arctic Wolf.  

I am a Senior Channel Marketing Specialist at Arctic Wolf. I currently own Pack Rewards, our partner rewards program. I enjoy thinking of innovative ways to incentivize and engage our partner community. Arctic Wolf truly recruits the best talent in tech. The people that I get to work with daily never cease to amaze me. The culture that Arctic Wolf has built and continues to create makes coming to work more enjoyable. 

What advice do you have for women starting their career or looking to become a leader in their workplace? 

When starting your career, it’s important to ask questions to understand the full scope of the business. Once you start to understand the ins and outs of how things currently operate you can bring new ideas to the table, creating new efficiencies that will save the company time and resources. Once you feel more established in your career, advocating for yourself is a crucial piece to your continued success. 

What is your mantra or motto?  

I heard this quote on a podcast and it resonated with me, “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who doesn’t like peaches.” You are your own unique individual and bring something special to the table. Not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. Be yourself, ask hard questions, bring new ideas, and don’t be afraid to let your light shine. 

Madi Lubeley

Maintaining a work/life balance is crucial at Arctic Wolf. What do you do when the laptop closes to wind down or wind up? 

When the weather warms up in Wisconsin I enjoy going on daily walks with my dog. I love the community aspect of CrossFit and joined a gym last year. This has helped with the social aspect of working from home. 

How can the cybersecurity industry — and technology companies at large — take steps to empower their women employees and develop a more level playing field? 

Hiring more women in leadership positions would create an avenue for women to be a part of business decisions. Provide further support for women’s career development and growth through mentorship, sponsorship, and training courses. Increase awareness and understanding around the topic to ensure its top-of-mind. 

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Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf provides your team with 24x7 coverage, security operations expertise, and strategically tailored security recommendations to continuously improve your overall posture.
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