Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

Arctic Wolf Cybersecurity Awareness Collection
Discover the big business of cybercrime — and learn to survive it
We’re giving you access to exclusive security awareness content and programming to help you transform your culture. With the power of the Pack, you can prepare your employees to recognize and neutralize social engineering attacks and human error—helping to end cyber risk at your organization.

What is Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

Every October, security-minded organizations around the world turn their focus toward security awareness to promote the power of a strong security culture to protect systems, data, and people.

However, at Arctic Wolf, we celebrate all year long.

Your people are a prime target for cyber attacks.

They’re also your strongest line of defense.

Our Cybersecurity Awareness Summit will help you uncover the tactics threat actors use to target your team. Learn how to stay a step ahead of social engineers and their sinister innovations and discover how effective awareness training can help stop cyber attacks in their tracks.

Meet Your Defenders

No matter their positions, your employees have important roles to play in protecting your organization from cyber threat and transforming your culture to one of proactive cybersecurity.
Customer Service cybersecurity defender
Increase Awareness With Our Learning Hub

How To Prevent MFA Fatigue Attacks

Learn what an MFA fatigue attack is, how it works, and what to look out for so your organization can prevent MFA fatigue attacks.

5 Ways to Avoid Falling for Phishing Attacks

With proper training, your employees will become your first line of defense, a human firewall protecting your data, your reputation, and your finances.

Smishing: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to...

Learn what smishing is, what the schemes look like, the most prominent types of attacks, and best practices to prevent smishing.

The Complete Security Awareness Program Plan and Strategy...

Gain actionable guidance and strategy for maturing your security awareness program.

The Valuable Role of Microlearning in Cybersecurity

Microlearning can prepare an organization’s users to defend themselves from today’s prevalent social engineering attacks.

How Humans Cause and Can Prevent Data Breaches

Learn how users can be a major line of defense and a crucial part of an organization's security environment.
On-Demand Webinar

The 2023 Arctic Wolf Cybersecurity Awareness Summit

Gain industry insights, unique perspectives, and security best practices from experts who’ve experienced cybersecurity from every angle — including Facebook’s former chief of security, a chief technical officer, a VP of security awareness and more! And emerge with a clear understanding of the power security awareness training has to transform your culture.

Discover A More Effective Security Awareness Training

Find out how you can elevate your organization’s security culture in under 8 minutes a month with Arctic Wolf’s Managed Security Awareness.
Schedule a demo today.