Solutions – Managed Security Awareness

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Managed Security Awareness®
Arctic Wolf® Managed Security Awareness prepares your employees to recognise and neutralise social engineering attacks and human error—helping to end cyber risk at your organisation.
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Managed Security Awareness

Embark on a Managed Security Awareness Journey.

Take a time-travelling tour into the future of security awareness.

Hop in and see for yourself what it’s like to be an Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness customer.
You’ll participate in some microlearning sessions, find out what your Concierge Security Team can do for you, and discover how an ongoing programme can change your company culture.

Engaging Microlearning Sessions

Dedicated Concierge Security Team

Interactive Quiz Sessions

Employee Progress Reports

Managed Security Awareness Training Addresses the Most Common Cyber Threats by Influencing Behaviour and Fostering a Security Culture

Improve Protection

Prepare employees to recognise and neutralise social engineering attacks, like phishing.

Strengthen Resilience

Empower employees to identify cyber risks and report mistakes that could expose sensitive data.

Achieve Compliance

Deliver security awareness training for regulatory compliance.
Even when security teams are proactive about training, they too often focus exclusively on training and awareness and stop short of influencing long-term behaviour and a true security culture.
Jinan Budge - Principal Analyst, Forrester

A More Effective Security Training Programme

We provide the tools and expertise to develop the behaviours organisations need from their employees for better protection and stronger resilience. With Managed Security Awareness, you can avoid expensive security incidents and data breaches by having employees on the lookout for social engineering attacks, like phishing, and enables employees to report mistakes, or suspicious emails that could result in data loss. Arctic Wolf also watches for employee credentials on the dark web and alerts you when it discovers breaches.

Awareness Training

  • Employee-centric security microlearning
  • Timely topics and threat vectors covered in each lesson
  • Continuous employee engagement through automated ongoing awareness training

Phishing Simulation

  • Automated simulations based on current phishing threats
  • Built-in coaching when employee engages phishing simulation
  • Tracking and reporting for employees and programme administrator

Report Phishing Button and Analytics

  • Enables employees to remove and report suspicious emails with the click of a button
  • Reported email details and analysis displayed in admin dashboard support faster response to potentially malicious emails

The Arctic Wolf Difference

Recognise and Neutralise Social Engineering Attacks and Human Error.

Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness enables employees to recognise and neutralise social engineering attacks and human error through microlearning content, automated phishing simulations, and awareness coaching.

Brief, purpose-driven, frictionless content designed for optimal learning and behavioural adoption.


Employees earn points based on their participation and engagement in the Managed Security Awareness program. Admins can keep an eye on employee points in the Leaderboard.

Current Threat Vectors

Relevant content informed by real-world threat intel and industry trends.

Employee Performance

Identify employee risk with quizzes, automated phishing simulations, and report cards.

Programme Effectiveness

Track and measure your Culture Score based on employee behaviours.

Reported Emails

See your employees do their part to protect their inboxes and your organisation by reporting suspicious emails.

Employee Confidence

Positive reinforcement and guidance to develop security awareness champions.

Security Culture

Peer-to-peer coaching with your CST to advance your awareness programme.

Cyber Resilience

Reduce the risk of social engineering attacks with prepared and alert employees.


Delivered by Your Concierge Security Team

Meet with your named Concierge Security Engineer (CSE) who will assist your rollout and help progress your security awareness programme.
Programme Rollout
Kick off your programme in the best way possible, as your CSE guides you through best practices that get employees ready to participate. ​ ​
Programme Coaching
Your CSE identifies hotspots and reviews the progress of your security journey during regularly scheduled meetings.​ ​
Key Metrics
Review employee participation, phishing simulation results, quiz scores, awareness programme leaderboard, and overall security culture of your organisation. ​ ​

Arctic Wolf Security Operations Warranty

The Pack Has Your Back
Get the industry-leading Arctic Wolf Security Operations Warranty with $1,500,000 in financial assistance for cybersecurity incidents when you purchase MDR, Managed Risk and Managed Security Awareness together.

How Arctic Wolf Incorporates the Cybersecurity ABCs Into Your Security Journey



Prepare, launch, and run your awareness programme focused on outcomes. ​


Drive individual and organisational progress toward desired behaviours.


Transform employees to be 24x7 cybersecurity champions.

See it in Action

A fully managed, ongoing security awareness programme that utilises microcontent, quizzes, and phishing simulations to give you confidence that your team is equipped to defend themselves and your organisation from social engineering threats. The backbone of this programme is the Concierge Security Team, who proactively monitors your organisation's progress and coaches you on educating your people and helping them grow into cyber resilient employees.
Quote Icon

“People get apprehensive about training programmes, especially when they already have a lot of things on their plate. Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness keeps our employees engaged and knowledgeable—and keeps our companies compliant—without disrupting our business operations.”

Jon Armstrong,
Director of IT & Security, Fullsteam

Managed Security Awareness Resources

Ready To Get Started?

We’re here to help. Get in touch to schedule an introductory call with one of our team members and learn more about how Arctic Wolf can benefit your organisation.