Incident Response Retainer

Introducing Our

IR JumpStart Retainer

This new IR retainer solution changes the game. IR JumpStart provides all the benefits of traditional incident response retainers plus IR planning assistance, without the prepaid minimum hours.
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Arctic Wolf Incident Response

Arctic Wolf Incident Response is a leading incident response (IR) provider and first responder to major cyber incidents and breaches, including ransomware and business email compromise attacks.
The IR team prioritise restoration and recovery while performing containment and analysis to return the client to normal operations as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Priority Access.
Proactive Assistance.
Traditional IR retainers can be confusing and require significant investment. Most retainer options require the upfront purchase of professional service hours or credits, and fail to include IR planning assistance. IR JumpStart keeps what works with traditional IR Retainers and ditches what doesn’t.
IR JumpStart customers are prepared with the critical information compiled in their IR Plan to kickstart the response, shaving days off of restoration overall.
Benefits include:
  • 1-hour response time
  • IR Plan Builder to organise must-have information to quicken response SLA
  • Discounted hourly rate in the event of an incident
  • Plan review by Arctic Wolf to identify gaps
  • Complimentary scoping call in the event of an incident


Arctic Wolf IR JumpStart Retainer Datasheet

Get priority access to incident response experts and a preferred rate on IR engagements without committing to a minimum number of incident response hours.

See why IR JumpStart Retainer prepares your organisation and reduces incident fallout if crisis strikes.