What Oil and Gas Companies Must Do to Counter Cyber Threats

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The oil and gas industry’s global supply chain uses a vast array of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems. These systems require constant cybersecurity protection to ensure energy flows efficiently and productively around the world to meet global needs.

Hackers know that IT and OT systems are often interdependent and closely linked. In fact, the recent Colonial Pipeline attack resulted from the successful breach of Colonial’s IT network. This caused major damage to the OT system, forcing the company to shut down its pipelines—leading to costly downtime, expensive remediation efforts, and lost profits.

Our new white paper, Cybersecurity in Oil & Gas: How to Strengthen Your Cyber Resilience in an Evolving Threat Landscape, reveals the dangers the industry faces and offers solutions to strengthen your company’s cyber resilience in a time of mounting threats.


  • The staggeringly high percentage of companies who will suffer a breach in 2022
  • The hefty price tag companies pay to repair the damage from a breach
  • The negative impact breaches have on everyone’s cyber insurance premiums

What’s more, the paper also explains how a strong cybersecurity framework—often established through the help of a security operations partner—covers both the proactive and defensive actions an oil and gas business can take to strengthen its cyber resilience and reduce its risk of becoming the next big victim.

This includes a deep dive into the five major functions of a cybersecurity framework:

1. The Identify Function—which helps an organisation understand the cybersecurity management risks to its systems, people, assets, data, and capabilities.

2. The Protect Function—which aims to limit or contain the impact of cybersecurity events due to risks like human errors.

3. The Detect Function—which ensures that anomalies and events are detected, and their potential impacts are understood, all in a timely manner.

4. The Respond Function—which ensures that an appropriate response planning process is in effect and executed to minimise impacts, both during and after an incident.

5. The Recover Function—which identifies appropriate activities to maintain resilience and promptly restore services impaired by a cyber attack.

It’s Time to Take Action

Cyber attackers never rest. In fact, threat actors work around the clock to find weaknesses in a company’s cybersecurity systems. Oil and gas companies are attractive targets in their sights, so businesses in the industry need to transition—quickly and seamlessly—from acknowledging challenges to identifying solutions.

Get started ramping up your organisation’s defenses. Read the Arctic Wolf white paper, Cybersecurity in Oil & Gas: How to Strengthen Your Cyber Resilience in an Evolving Threat Landscape.

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Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf provides your team with 24x7 coverage, security operations expertise, and strategically tailored security recommendations to continuously improve your overall posture.
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