Arctic Wolf Alliance Partner – SentinelOne

Arctic Wolf® + SentinelOne

24×7 Threat Detection

The Value:

The endpoint continues to be a key access point for malicious actors looking to gain entry to your environment.
Organisations choose industry-leading Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) provider, SentinelOne, because of its robust ability to broaden a customer’s endpoint visibility and secure every endpoint.
Arctic Wolf + SentinelOne logo lockup

Together, SentinelOne and Arctic Wolf provide a holistic and efficient approach to advanced threat detection, response, and recovery. Arctic Wolf ingests, analyses, and alerts on activities and threats such as malware, viruses, ransomware, and remote shell activity.  

Integration Features

24x7 monitoring, triage, and alerting for SentinelOne

Expert review icon

Expert review of suspicious activities and threats

Centralised monitoring for all security telemetry, including endpoint 


Arctic Wolf and SentinelOne

24×7 Threat Detection

Organisations choose industry-leading Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) provider, SentinelOne, because of its robust ability to broaden a customer’s endpoint visibility and secure every endpoint.

Arctic Wolf + SentinelOne logo lockup

24x7 Threat Detection with Arctic Wolf and SentinelOne